Friday, November 18, 2011

Geo-Thermal Power Station

Our trip to the Geo-thermal power plant between Selfoss and Reykjavik. I found the whole experience one that was both very helpful in terms of telling me how the system worked both on how they move the heat and electricity to the surrounding areas and in terms of how the whole system of how they get the heat and power from the earth and how they deal with the waste materials that get brought up in the process. Whenever we go to a big power station or governmental or cooperation headquarters I try and be as open-minded as I can while still trying to take in the information in a way that lets me take the people word as truth but not making myself out to be naive, since some time I feel that the group is a little harsher to the cooperation’s and the power stations rather than coming into the field with an open-mind not to say that that is a bad thing because it does allow some questions to be asked that might not be normally asked.  Another thing that I found to be amazing was the way in which they were able to get their information about how they operate and what they produce across thru the use of more interactive technologies and effective use of videos to get the message across. I thought that it was a great way to learn especially for me because I tend to use more technologies in my learning process because of my learning difficulties that it was very effective because it allowed me to do my primary learning using the computers and the videos but if I had any questions that couldn’t be answered by the screens then I was still able to ask the guide. This compares differently to the hydro-power plant and that tour because on that one we were guide by a person and it didn’t allow me to get a great understanding about the issues and the workings of the plant because the information that was given to me by the guide was stuff that didn’t really allow me to wonder about it was more or less just facts or ideas that I couldn’t ask about or at least I couldn’t ask about. So I feel that the use of these technologies in conjunction with hands-on work is a great step forward in terms of trying to get the message across of trying to be sustainable across to the population mostly the youth, I feel that this combination is one that could greatly improve the effectiveness of the “green” movement because it plays off of the strengths of the modern world which is the ability to present information to people in a way in which people can understand it and the use of hands on work in the field trying to get first hand experiences on trying to become sustainable is one that I feel will greatly improve the movement. I also think that is good because I feel like most people in the movement try and shy away from new tech and tend to bash on it (but I do agree that tech needs to be lessened in the importance’s of a person’s day this meaning that people need to stop worrying about having the best tech and the newest tech and focus more on trying to reconnect to themselves and each other) however, tech is a great part of the modern world and it is very much a huge part in the average person’s life so I feel by trying to use this tech to try and improve the effectiveness of the green movement is a much needed step in getting people to take action. 
By. John Charles Grunde

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